Unusual Gift
A lot of people think about unusual gifts. We suggest the option of not just a unusual gift, but a unique gift.
On the eve of holidays, anniversaries and birthdays, many wish to express their individuality and distinguish themselves from others with their gift selection. And rightly so, because the times when a CD was advertised as the best gift are long gone. Unusual gifts do not usually get thrown away after the holiday, they usually occupy a worthy place in the home or office, where they bring to mind the events of the holiday and the person who presented them with this gift.
The Shtox rotating glass is a great example of an unusual gift. Designed for whiskey, it would also serve well for cocktails or soft drinks, and you wont find a better vase for the spring bouquet of lilies from the valley.
By presenting this unique glass to someone important to you, you’re not only giving the pleasure of the play on lights on the glass, but you will leave the most pleasant memory of yourself for a long time. Kind thoughts and gratitude will return to its owner every time he looks at this truly unusual gift.